MMM, I am not sure what to say. This feels like the end of the trip. Tomorrow we head off to be with friends (which will be awesome) but this is the end of our official trip. Three months together, 24 x 7, 7 days a week as Brett pointed out before we left and we made it. We have been to England, France and Italy. We have been in two places that haven't seen snow in 20 - 30 years (Lyon and Rome), studied for a month, made new friends and fallen in love with a country which we already really liked. We have eaten some amazing food, drunk some fantastic wines and well generally enjoyed ourselves. We have learnt that italian drivers really drive to their own rhythm and rules and they only seem to apply to them and no one else. Don't even try to attempt to drive way beyond the speed limit, park in the middle of the street or on the footpath, park other cars in, ride your scooter while talking on the phone and doubling someone and well generally do whatever you want.
According to me it has been fantastic, we have had the best holiday every and although the trip is shorter than we originally planned the three months have been awesome, fantastic. Would I say life changing, no but would I say that we now look at things differently. Yes. Are we glad we did this trip yes.
For us it went so quickly. At the beginning it didn't seem to go so quick but this last few weeks have flown by. How can we be heading to Venice already. I mean we just got here. Who knows what the rest of this year will bring but let me say the first three month have been worth it.
This will probably be the last post in Italy as I am not sure if my next place has wifi. So you will get a final update when we get back to australia.
We finished off our tourist card today. One of the places was closed and I think that Brett was secretly glad. We headed off to the roman theatre and museum.

After this we headed off to lunch, the first place we went to didnt serve us so we left and I found this place called "Romeo and Juliet". Now you would think it was a tourist trap but it wasn't. The food was fantastic and it was a great finish to Verona. After lunch we strolled and then sat in the Arena for a bit.

Lovey, lovely and well lovely.
Thanks everyone for following our holiday but we will see you when we are back in Australia.
Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter