I think first impressions are important. Not always but in this case yes. I really think the weather, the people and the food you first have when you arrive shapes how you feel about the city. With this in mind we love Milan.
We arrived by train to beautiful weather. The first part of the train station when you arrive is sort of ugly but not. However when you walk out into the other area it is a lovely train station. We are staying in dodgy ville area, it got good reviews and is very very close to the train station. The hotel itself from the outside doesn't look great but the room is fine, we have internet and the bed seems semi comfortable. We arrived well and truly before lunch so we dropped our bags off and headed to the centre of the city. I had researched and found another place to eat so off to the metro to get there. This is always entertaining trying to work out a new metro system. Eventually we bought tickets, found the right subway and we were on our way.
I am now a strong believer in reviews - reviews for hotels, restaurants everything. They are so important. Especially when you want to eat well and sleep well. Our hotel is nothing special but the room is spacious and clean and and the place we chose for lunch was fantastic.
We really like it so much so that we are going back again tomorrow.
We had a sparkling pinot grigio and it was one of the nicest white wines I have had this trip. I ordered gnocchi which was lovely but a bit filling. Brett had seafood risotto which was really nice. We had a bit of a funny moment with the waiter. He was asked us if we were from Ireland and we said no australia and he pointed out to us that we were both wearing green. See girls it even happens over here. I hadn't even really noticed we were were the same coloured shirts. Will pay better attention next time.
I had Brett laughing at me for a bit at lunch. Most of you know what a soopy person I am. I love romantic movies and cry at some ads. So we are sitting there enjoying ourselves and an old lady turned up and got a table and said she was waiting for someone. She ordered a couple of wines and sat there waiting. I think she waited for a good 10 - 15 minutes. I had this image of she was waiting for her dead husband and no one would actually show up, so I was getting upset she looked so lonely. Eventually some other ladies turned up and I assume they were her daughters. Not long after her granddaughter turned up with some flowers for her. I was so happy for her I had tears in my eyes. So Brett has been giving me heaps about this for the afternoon.
We got two little glasses of lemon cello afterwards and they were really really nice. When we went to pay it seemed to little so we said something and ended up having a wonderful conversation with the owner (I assume). He said the lemon cello was on the house, asked us where we were from and then when he found out we were from Australia began to tell us his children who both have degrees in something were living in melbourne making pizzas and really loved australia.
We promised we would be back tomorrow for another great meal. I cant wait. We wandered the streets with all the other italians and tourists walking down streets full of shops, cafes, people selling books, trying to get money out of you. In a little space was this asian man sitting there quietly making these animals out of vegetables. They were so amazing, I asked to take a photo and gave him some money. They were so cool.

Marty got out to look at the church which with the blue sky behind it was amazing and a brilliant white. We went and and wandered around. Here is one of the cardinals. That is actually him. He has been embalmed and dressed so that people can pray to him. To me it is creepy but to millions to catholics it makes sense.

Once outside the church brett as asked by this guy to take a photo. It was so funny cause he took like 10 photos. Every time Brett would take a photo the guy would ask for another one from a different angle. Brett was thinking at this point that it was a scam and was trying to work out what it was but I think he just wanted his photo taken.

Walking down the street we saw this police man stop the traffic and a woman just standing in the middle of the road and we couldn't work out why. Then we noticed the dog was doing a poop in the middle of the road. She had to run of the road and get a bag and then run back and pick up the poop, it was so funny.
It was such a lovely first day in Milan and can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.
Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter