Friday, December 23, 2011

The trip over

Well the trip over was long. I was excited but that excitement wore off very quickly. Singapore airlines was good but I was expecting more. The first part of the trip went quickly and we arrived in Singapore airport. Nice airport one of my favourite so far. Now the second part of the trip. Man this took forever.
I was expecting something special for the big 380 bus but no just like every other plane, big on the outside and way to small on the inside.

Here are the some photos so far.

Us at Brisbane. I know (jealous huh). By the way you will see this shirt a lot of times.

Me and Marty have a cocktail, only one as it was just so sweet.

So 24hrs worth of travel I watched 3 new tv shows, an awesome movie called The way and several other movies. I got several hours sleep which is unusual. Over 5 lots of meals and more snacks. I had several wines and no diet coke.

Location:Somewhere between Brisbane and London

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