Well it is the end of the weekend and well school starts for the third week. I am not sure where the time is going but it is going quickly.
Friday night saw us going to our first (and maybe last) football game in Italy. Before we went to the football we caught up with some other friends at the cafeteria at the library which has the best views of the duomo (except out of our window).
While Naples was good well the other team not so great. It was a fun night. We went with a few students from class.
Me and Birthe
Naples fans
Waiting for the game to start
Some of the drama for the night. I think this is a flare.
Some of the security they had lined up. All the people in yellow. This was the nay place they had them. They were everywhere like this.
Saturday was a sleep in till 10am and hang around the house until lunch time. I had research and found a restaurant we wanted to try so that is where we headed. Today there was no homework and no where to be. Awesome. Lunch was at this awesome place called Cipolla Rosa and the food was awesome. Several glasses of wine later and some great food under our belts it was off for a stroll through the city.
More streets that we haven't been too. We have found the english cinema but don't want to go. So over the bridge to the other side of the river, more strolling and some great locations for photos and wine. Didn't try the wine. Eventually back home and pasta with some wine for tea.
On our way home from Conad (supermarket) we had our weird experience for the week. Walking past a leather, shoe store we were looking at a jacket and this old man (owner) comes out and looks at Brett says something and we eventually work out he is talking about Brett's shoes. He wanted us to go into his store and get better shoes. He said Brett had bad shoes made in china and well he was right. We checked when we got home but so random and so weird. I mean if I wanted someone to come into my store to look at goods that is not the way I would go about it. Anyway home for pasta and wine and off to bed early. I did get to talk to Fiona in Venice to find out how they are going and what has been happening up there. All is well and we look forward to seeing them.
Sunday not so late out of bed but waiting for our landlord to turn up to attach the washing machine so we can do the washing. He eventually showed up and well it wont be done until tomorrow. So some hand washing had to be done.
Lunch was a bang up job at home and then out for stroll . Had trouble finding the store I wanted and eventually found it but Sundays not the best day.
This picture hopefully will give you a clue as to what it is selling.
I bought this app before I left home on places to eat and drink in Florence and well we try and use it every couple of days. The cafeteria at the library was one of those really good finds. So today we were looking for a place called 'Golden arch open bar' or something similar. Across the Ponte Vecchio and well we found it. It was not what I was expecting at all. We walked in and they have alot of space and it is new and beautiful and it faces onto the river looking back at the city. We walked through three large rooms to get to the bar and we sat down for a drink. This place is nice but for 10 euro a glass it was a bit much. The view was nice as you can see but well the library has a great view and wine for 3 euro a glass.
Back home, Brett starting cooking while I went out and looked a book stores. I love book stores. One of my favouries was closed (such a shame) so back home for wine and well a few english tv shows. I watched a couple of episodes of Psych.
Dinner was ragu with polenta (yummy yummy) and wine of course and now it is time for bed.
I still cant believe we are half way through this holiday. I am not sure how we will return to work after this. I mean how do people go back to work after 3, 6 or 12 months off work. It will be hard but I will have to do it so I can save some money to come back over. We have not finished learning this language.
So good night to you all. Hope you all had a great weekend and talk to you tomorrow night.
Sorry for all you italian lovers no italian version tonight.
Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter
Location:Piazza del Duomo, Florence
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