Today's highlight was a visit to the Palazzo Vecchio. I wont bore you with all of the details apart to say that Leonardo and Michelangelo both worked here. Some beautiful things. This place is huge.
Part of one of the ceilings.
This is a famous painting. Not because of who painted it but what is in the picture. Look in the top right corner and you will see what looks Like a blob in this photo but in the actual painting it looks like a UFO. Now what is even stranger is that the man behind her is looking towards said UFO. Is this real or not. This painting comes from around 1500 -1600. You decide - as William Shatner would say is that weird or what.
Brett looking like he is casing the joint and me below with the getaway car.
Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter
Location:Florence Italy
is that Scully in that painting too? *do-do-do-do*