Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Stonehenge, Avebury and White horse hill

After a great nights sleep it was a busy day sight seeing. For those of you who know what Brett and I are like when we are driving together anywhere that needs navigation will be pleased to know that I rock. I have been able to read all the maps and get us to where we are going. It does help that the roads are signed really really well. We did have a couple of unplanned side trips due to someone not listening to me (won't mention who) and sometimes me reading the map as we went past a sign. No yelling or anything hooray for us.

First off was Stonehenge. We got there before all the crowds. MMM not sure what to say about this place but I thought they would be bigger (how many times do we hear that). The weather was great and there was like 10 - 20 people there. It was very interesting to see it etc but well could have looked at it through the fence. However I was the one to make brett pay the money to go in have a look. I mean you can't come all the way here and not look at it.

The guys finally got out to do some sight seeing today.

Off to Avebury. Brett's comment today was that the beer is cheap the pub food is cheap but they get you with having to pay for car parking everywhere.
Avebury was good as well. You have to walk the whole circle. You don't realise it is a circle until half way around and you are abit high up and you can see the moat and the rocks and wonder why? Brett decided it was gaints that were here and they were just was having fun and just picked up the rocks and put them there. I think aliens.

Since we were going past it we stopped into Wadworth brewery and had a quick look around. The tour wasn't until 2pm so we kept going after we got to sample beer. Brett was sad as he was driving and he could only sample one of them.

The next port of call was Whitehorse hill. Brett was excited about this and it took a lot to find this place.

OMG we came across this intersection on the way to getting lost and Whitehorse hill. It was like three roundabout's within a bigger roundabout. That was so confusing and scary. At least it was here in England and not on the other side of the road in Paris.

There are white horses all around the region and we found one that was great but the one we were heading to was supposed to be more impressive. I will let you be the judge.

In the end we thought we had lost it and we just kept driving towards Oxford and well there was finally a sign. Now lots of driving along very small roads and twists and turns and we got there. It was by this time blowing a gale. So off we set up the hill. It was very funny cause well this is it. It was fun though.

Also there is Dragon Hill and it is rumored that Uthor pendragon, father of King Author is buried here. Now I am abit dubious about this because well the english have this habit of claiming stuff that really isn't from the region. Examples - Jane austin lived in bath for 3 years and didn't like the place but they sell bath on the fact that you can do a Jane Austin tour. Tintatel Castle is rumoured to be where King Arthur had his castle but reading the facts this also isn't true. So maybe Uthor was buried here and maybe not, either way I took a photo cause I love Merlin.

Remember it gets dark here at 4pm and we were still out at this time and had to try and find our way home. This was most interesting and well a little bit scary as the roads are small and it was raining and dark. I was so glad to get back to the city to relax, update you all and sit back and watch Manchester United play Newcastle tonight on tv.

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Wiltshire, England

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