Champ to layzee visit today. Thank god we are not driving, I think we would both die of a heart attack. There are about 7 streets coming into the round about and the person on the round about gives way to the person coming on, there are no lanes. Crazy. What was crazy was this asian bloke was going to try and get from the middle (there is an underground passage to get to it) to one of the sides. I have video of this and was worried it was going to turn out more than expected. He gave up the end, thank god. It was crazy enough watching everyone driving and weaving in and out.
It was sales day today similar to boxing day in oz. We didn't do any shopping as don't have the room till I get to Florence but it was busy.
We had such a big night last night (food wise) that I wanted something simple so it was going to be the Big arches M on the Champ to lazeee but it was just as crazy in there and I couldn't work out what the hell was on the menu. So as we were heading back to the apartment to drop some food off for tea I got a bread stick and ate that. We ended up getting a toasted sandwich (which my stomach thanks me for) for lunch.
Brett's planning day today and he wanted to go see the Pompadou which is a art museum. We being big art fans decided that we would only see one and since the only thing we wanted to see at the Louve was the Mona Lisa and apparently it is really hard to see because that is what everyone wants to see we decided on the Pompadou.
It was open till 9pm tonight so that was going to give us plenty of time.
First challenge was they have escalators on the outside of the building, the building is 6 stories high. I got to the 4th level which luckly is where the first exhibitions were. MMM I think I am missing something. I am sure Nat or even Anna you would have loved this floor. Let me demonstrate some of the art on this floor.
I think this is a seat.
This was sort of cool.They have some sort of words strung across the room. Not too bad.
This photo is in its side and it is of a fan blowing on the white block (what the f..k).
Can you guess the artist in the photo below(a free drink for the right person).
This is on the wall looking at it and it is a table with plates and bottles stuck onto it. What more can I say.
There were so many others that we just went what the f but well we know's art. The money could have been used better (more wine).
One more piece for you.
The more interesting thing as stated early was that they had escalators on the outside they were covered in but by the second set I was starting to sweat and get very uncomfortable. The set of escalators to the 4th floor wasn't working and you had to walk up them and by the top everything was tunneling in on me. Lucky we went into the 4th floor and then the 5th floor was internal stairs.
When we left there were more stairs that went up to another level but there was no way I could do it so I said that I would go down and wait for Brett.
I got to the first floor and noticed that there were some elevators so I got into them and they went right to the top, so off I went. Now don't laugh but it took three rides of the elevator up and down before I was game enough to get out at the top. I got out and side stepped and stood there for a bit. I then focused on the next part and walked along talking to myself as I went. I am sure they thought I was crazy. I mean the view was awesome especially from holding onto the posts on the inside.
I finally got to the door at the end (a lot of sweat in my shoes) and went in and walked around and couldn't find Brett. So that meant I had to walk back out and back towards the lift (I very very very long walk way). I finally got there and was so excited to get back in and go down but I did it. I was so happy.
We both laughed about how much we enjoyed the art and how amazing it was. However it did get us home early for a bottle of wine and chicken and veggies.
Tomorrow I think I will be ready to eat out again. So much good food. Can you imagine that I haven't had a croissant yet. I know what the hell. I think I might have to try and find one tomorrow.
I hope everyone is well and I hear the weather is really warm over there.
Enjoy as I miss it.
Love to you all.
Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter
Location:Paris, France
PS - Have I mentioned how many stairs there are in this city. Surely this goes towards my eating and drinking.