Friday, March 30, 2012

A castle, Juliet, and a tower

We played tourists today, oh hold on we are tourists. We bought a 2 day Verona card. More for the free public transport than anything else but well we have it so we used it to visit the touristy stuff.

First stop was Castelo Vecchio. We got to tour around the castle, look at lots of old paintings of jesus and mary. I am sorry but there are only so many of those that we can look at. However the views from the castle walls were great.

Marty got a ride on a stone horse. He so enjoyed it. However I did not like walking on the floor as it wasn't the original floor and you could tell. So I walked around the edges.

Now one of the reasons we came to Verona is the so called Juliet and Romeo debacle. So with the tickets we bought we got free entry into Juliet's house and onto the supposed balcony where that really famous scene happened.

So the guys made it out today to check out the bed of Juliet in her house. They were very impressed. Unfortunately for Brett and I the words "tourist trap" springs to mind. You will remember my early posts about Jane Austin and somewhere else I cant remember where they have claimed something cause it makes good tourist business. This may be one of those cases. At least we got something to laugh about.

Look me and the guys got to be on the balcony of Romeo and Juliet. It wasn't possible to get it by ourselves but look how romantic it is. Brett was down below serenading us.

Now to my very exciting news. I made it to the top of the tower. Finally. Let me say I was not a very happy camper but I got Brett to take photos so I have proof. So we get to the tower, it is part of our card so Brett heads up using the stairs. I start talking to the guide dud and there is a lift that will get you almost to the top for 1 euro. So I figure I can do that bit and see after that. So I get in and we move towards the top. It stops and I get and guess what there are more stairs to the top. Now so far this bloody height thing has beaten me. So I walked around the other side and there is a little window (great views) and a little seat. So I sat down and watched everyone going up. Watching them go up so casually and I thought I can do it. So when no one was around I got up the first flight of stairs which wasn't to bad but then it went around and curvy and I went come on just look straight ahead and keep walking. I made it to the top but then there was a door. I had to let go of the railing to open the door. This door was nearly the end of my triumph. I finally was able to let go of the railing and push at the door. I eventually got out of the door and made it up the last few stairs. There was plenty of room at the top without having to be near the edge but I sat down for a bit to get a control of myself. Brett was very happy to see me. So I made myself do little things as well as being up there. Like take photos or move away from the railing in the middle and move to one side so he could take photos. It was very hard but I won. The elevator helped as it took me most of the way and my mind didn't have time to think about it too much. So yeh to me.

Don't I look so comfortable leaning into the wall.

Here is me at the bottom of the tower with a Yeh I made it jump.

After here we did two of the churches that were on the list. They were nice but I am over Jesus (sorry Jesus).

A great tourist day and and we have another one planned tomorrow where we will finish off the things we want to see and then on Sunday it is off to visit our friends Fiona and Francesco for 4 days and then it is time to head on home time.

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter


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