Wednesday, February 29, 2012

French film in italian

Today after class and homework we meet up with some friends to see a movie. I find out later that it is a French film but dubbed in italian. It was brilliant. Sadly I couldn't understand a lot of it but it was a great story. The French film is called intouchables. Brilliant. I want to see it with english subtitles. Anna this film has now knocked welcome to the sticks as the best french film ever.

After the film we found a small enotetca and drank wine and conversed in italian. We had finished our homework, except the bit where I have to rewrite something but that can wait for tomorrow.

On the way home we tried this small trattoria that was recommended to us and it was great. Life is going to be hard when we return.

Jess thanks for you blog it was so much fun to read and enjoyed the sow and the crazy shops. I ope you bought something g for our puppies at that weird store for dogs.

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Piazza del Duomo,Florence,Italy

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wine and bags

Wine and bags.
An another day at class, return to the house to complete the homework and get ready for the afternoons outing. We were taken around some of the town today and I found this great handbag shop. So we went back after the tour and I got me a really nice handbag. Guess what colour it is?

It was back home tonight to finish the homework and then a catch up with friends for a drink. It is not really hard to find somewhere interesting to drink or eat in this place. We went to another part of the city and there are some interesting places. We found this restaurant / bar and were able to have some wine practice our italian and generally have a good night. Interesting note is that they have hawkers come into the places selling roses. They are really persistant. We had 5 in about 30 minutes.

Back home at 11.00 only to hear them starting the digging an god knows what else in the street. I think if this keeps up we will be glad to move out into the country where we wont hopefully hear any of this. Like I said last night there don't seem to be any rules about when they can start or finish.

It is strange but I am sure the days are just flying by. Don't know if the same is happening back home but well it is Tuesday night and tomorrow is Wednesday and you know what comes after that. We have booked the car and will give driving in Tuscany a go (lucky Brett). After which we have a few days booked in Modena because Bologna was so expensive. There must be something on in Bologna. It is ok because it is only half an hour by train to either Palma or Bologna. So should be fun.

Nothing much to report apart from still having the time of our lives if not better and not really looking forward to returning home (except for the obvious reasons).

So only a short entry tonight and again no italian. Shortly we will be off line for a whole 2 week so there will be no updates. You will have 2 weeks of updates once we get back into town.

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Piazza del Duomo,Florence,Italy

And they worked all night- 28 February


Today was the start of our last week here in Florence and at school. I think we will both miss being here and going to school. We have met some lovely people and will try and make the most of this week.

So after school today we went and visited a lovely church. It had some lovely frescos and some paintings. The guide is always the same her name is Sasha and she takes us to these awesome places every couple of days.

I really like this painting it is quite lovely. After here we had to rush home as Brett was in the middle of cooking tea. However we had organised to meet up with the gang after dinner to go to an concert where they were singing famous arias from some famous operas.

So we went along and well were were the only 4 people there (yes that was us). We sat in the front row. She was really good (you know i am an expert now) and we enjoyed it but it was a bit uncomfortable just having the 4 of us. Being our last week we are trying to make the most of it and well we went out for a drink afterwards. Here is the view of the Ponte Vecchio at night after 10:30pm on our way to the irish pub.

We found another irish pub (brian is irish so it was fitting) and had a drink. The pub has the view of the Piazza Signora and the Palazzo Vecchio. What a great view. However after a while we ha to go inside as it was getting to cold.

I don't think we could fit more in if we tried (well maybe we could but that would mean not doing our homework and well that is the reason we are here). We got home after midnight and went to bed which is why there was no blog.

As a side note they have started working on the street beside us and well in Australia they would have to finish work at 7pm. Here however they kept breaking up and drilling the concrete all bloody night. Yes we got home after midnight and they were still going. I woke about 3am and they were still going. What all of a sudden they are conscious of how much they need to get done and decided that they should work all night.

Really people do you not realise people are trying to sleep. Lucky I was tied and I slept really well. On the brighter side with this much noise we couldnt here the drunk people.

Until tomorrow, from us here in paradise. good night.

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Piazza del Duomo,Florence,Italy

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lucca and beyond

Hi everyone,
It is Sunday night and it is time for our weekend catch up. Great weekend. We went on a little trip with a few of our friends from class to Lucca on Saturday and Sunday was supposed to be a relaxing day at home with a brief stroll and then home for a lovely dinner but well no dinner and an awesome lunch out.


First off we headed off to the markets for food and wine for Sunday night. Wine (sempre) meat and veggies. Brett was going to make beef cheeks with polenta. We were both very much looking forward to having this meal for tea on Sunday. Funnily enough I still haven't had time to look for a handbag at all. Maybe this week.

Off to Lucca, we were meeting everyone at the train station at 11. Everyone wanted a sleep in or rest before we had to head off.

Here is Marty and Kiwi waving goodbye to Florence. They were very excited to finally be getting out and about again.

Here is a photo of our friends from school.

By the time we got to Lucca it was lunch time. The streets were quite and it was such a lovely day. We were striding with purpose around the streets with the occassional stopping for some photos..

The above photo looks like it could be an album cover for a band.

It was time for lunch. Now this is always hard when you are in a new place but then add in that there was a group of us and Brian is a vegetarian. Eventually it was the piazza with the touristy places that had the tables in the sun. It turned out that the food wasnt half bad and the company was great.

I know they are a bit young to drink but really they only had a sip (well maybe hooter had more).

Below is Brian and Brett trying to look like really cool italian men- what do you think, did it work?

Here is me and the gang in front of Puccini statue (we saw this because one the girls with us is an opera singer and wanted to visit his house).

We went off to find this torre and climb it.

Brian was having a go at me about not be able to climb the duomo because of my fear but let me say neither Brian or I made it to the top. Brett and Birdie did and here is a shot of my lovely husband.

We had a lovely stroll around the wall and by that time Brett and I had decided it was time to head home. As the trip takes about 1:30 we would be home by 8:30 or so just in time for tea.

This is my friend Birdie (not real name, but nickname as I cant pronounce her name). Such a lovely day (mezzo) in Lucca and probably worth another visit so I can hire a bike to ride around the wall.

Today was supposed to be a relaxing day at home. Saturday we use as our day off no homework etc so today is supposed to be about homework and just hanging out at home. So we got the hanging out at home bit but by lunch time we were ready to go and find where the hire car place was and find somewhere for lunch. I had done some research for where we would eat.

So off we went - now I was thinking a quick pasta and back home so brett (pane - new nickname as most italians cant say Brett it comes out like bread) could cook us an awesome meal. Well it didn't really go like that at all. This restaurant was awesome. We had two courses plus the freebie stuff they gave us on arrival. A glass of prosecco and some sort of fried bread (we knew then we were in trouble).

First course was ravioli with rabbit ragu for me and brett had ravioli with truffle sauce. Second course was baby roasted pig with roasted potatoes. A half bottle of wine and well you had to roll us out of there. Free biscoti (the best every). They even gave us a packet when we left. The owner of this place I just wanted to squish him with hugs etc as he was so cute. He was very short and stocky. So cute. Speaking of cute so was our waiter.

So we rolled out of there about 2:30 and came home had a nap and woke up about 6pm. I actually think this was Brett's plan all along as I wanted to go see i promessi spossi (they have made it a modern opera) and it was on at 16:30 today and it was the last day. Oh well I had such an awesome lunch I will let him pass.

So no dinner and no wine and have finished my homework (which was a bit hard as it is pronomi combinati (combine pronouns).

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend and work isnt too bad for you.

Love and kisses to you all (well maybe not all of you)

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Piazza del Duomo,Florence,Italy

Friday, February 24, 2012

Where we live

It is Friday today and our last class for the week. I love Fridays, here and at home. It means the weekend is here. It means no homework tonight and we can have wine with lunch. We went with some friends from class to this little place for lunch. It is small but the food is awesome and cheap and the wine the same.

After lunch as it was such a beautiful day it was time to tackle the church (duomo). Ok you all know of my love of heights, but I was determined to give this a go. Now the stairs are on the inside and they go up and up. To start with I was uncomfortable but not too bad. You go up and up and up and then you come out at the top of the dome on the inside. Ok now it was time to panic. I had to get from one side to the other. Now there is railing and also perplex glass that goes up and above me so there is no way I could fall or anything else. Let me say it took a very very very long time to get to one side to the other. I was not a happy camper at all. Lucky it wasn't very busy. I let a few people past. Brett was on the other side trying to be patient with me. I eventually got to the other side only to discover the only way down was up. I hate that shit. I mean come on there has to be a better way. Ok up we went to the next level (still not quite at the top) we come out at the next level. Now let me say that it is beautiful, the view is just of the church on the inside and of the ceiling. Now to make the choice to go up or go around and down. I wish I could say I was brave enough to keep going up but alas no I chose not to go any further (one day). Brett took the camera and went to the top.
I slowly (very very slowly) made my way around the next level to the exit on the other side. I was standing at the beginning of the way around talking with the italian man. He was saying that I had nothing to worry about because the church had been there for 500 years or so and it wasn't going to fall down. I said I know I know but it doesn't make it any easier. I watched all of the people just casually walking around and quickly walking from one place to another as I slide along the wall as far away from the edge as possible. I am surprised there is anything left of my jacket. I eventually made it to the other side and going down was so much easier. I did get a great view out of one of the windows but not as good as brett. So here are some photos from Brett at the top and on a beautiful winters day in Florence.

Hooter made it to the top but wasn't able to make it to the outside. Brett said the views were amazing.

It was such a great day today and I am glad I tried to get to the top. Back to school for a movie and then some shopping for me and home for Brett.

I still have a couple of things to pick up but over all a successful shopping evening (yes Anna it was at a book store) and home for wine and dinner and a slide show of our holidays so far.

Ciao tutti
Oggi e stata an altra bellissimo giornata. Per la scuola oggi abbiamo fatto una gita ai mercato. Quando siamo tornati in classe abbiamo dovito rispondere ad alcune domande.

Dopo classe siamo andati ai pranzo e E buonissimo. Dopo pranzo siamo andati il duomo. La visita era bellissimo.

Domani andremo a Lucca.


Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Piazza di San Giovanni,Florence,Italy

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Michaelangelo your our man

Hi everyone,
I feel like I am behind, the days go so fast and I want to use this blog to remind us of what we did every day.

So today was a visit to the house and museum that belongs to Michelangelo. IT was closed but we had a private tour and it was great. The work he was doing at 15 an 16 was amazing, I mean most of us where still at school or getting ourselves into trouble.

We werent allowed to take any photos (sorry everyone) but it was was worth the visit and especially when you have your own guide.

We wanted a quite night tonight as the last two we have been out late very night and well tonight is still late but I wanted to catch up a little. I am still not getting to write to much italian at the bottom of these blogs and I am sorry for you but well there never seems enough time. I know, I can hear you ask yourselves they are on holidays but well there is a lot to do.

Tonight for dinner there was no cooking just drinking and a bit of cutting up. So I took a picture so this blog wasnt so boring today. This was our dinner for the evening. No not the chook but the rest of it. It was great. So it is now 11.15 and time for me to go to bed. Tomorrow is Friday and the last day of our 3 week here. I don't know where the time has gone but it has gone very quickly, before you know it I will be back at my desk (where ever that may be) and it will seem like a dream. Yes Leonie, Simone and Jess I think we should have one last steak sandwich and wine before I go a seriously strict diet for some time.

Caro amici

Oggi il tempo é bellissimo. Le classe per me e molto difficili ma sto imparando più ogni giorno.

2 giorni fa siamo andati la cena fuori Firenze. Ha presso 30 a 40 minuti arrivare. La sera é bellissima. La tipica di cibo é spanish.

Oggi siamo andati a il museo di Michaelangelo. Abbiamo avuto i nostri guida e molti interessante.

Mi dispace ma ho andare a letto.



Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Piazza del Duomo,Florence,Italy

Cooking 101 - 22 February

I know you were all waiting patiently for yesterdays post but we had our last cooking class and well by the time we get home it was time for a sleep.

So I am sorry to keep you waiting. Let me start by saying (and I am sure I have said this before) if you want to learn a language, go to the country for as long as you can afford. While we are finding it hard it is definitely the best thing we have done.

I am constantly having to pronounce my words again and again to barbara no.2. and everyone laughs or smiles. I know it is for the best but sometimes it is hard.

Now to the favourite part of the week, cooking class. This week we had 9 people which I think and Brett would agree that there were too many people. The menu had been set the week before.

Antipasti - crostini (made with polenta) with porcini mushrooms
Primo - Lasagne
Secondi - rabbit or chicken
Dessert - chocolate tart or custard tart with fruit

Lots of wine and a magic show. He invited one of his friends that does it for a living and it was so much fun. I know this is hard to believe but there was too much food. I felt sick afterwards and most of today I was feeling off (not sick)

Here are the photos from last night.

Birdie preparing the rabbit, cause no one else wanted to work with it.

Look Kylie and Kym, Brett was allowed to use a knife.


Risotto (not on the menu but he made it for us to taste)

Rabbit - this was fantastic. The best food ever. Wish I had a doggie bag as I would have brought some home for today.

No need to explain what this is.

In the cooking class he has a tv camera set up for bigger classes so everyone can see what is happening. Here is a photo of the finished custard dessert.

Again home late and another great day in paridiso (paradise).

Does anyone have the answer to how do we return to a normal life after this.

M e B

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Firenze, Italy

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Paela and sangria

It is one of those moments when you want to pinch yourself. The other day when our landlord was here he asked us if we like paella and of course we said yes, so he sent us an invite to dinner.

Tonight was said dinner. What a great night. He picked us up with a man called Scott who is from Alabama who I think secretly was our interpreter for the evening.

We drove to some other part of town to help jump start his wife's car only to find that it started first go. So off we went, it was about 30 minutes or so out of town. It was a real trattoria but they were doing Spanish food. Wow the food and the company were great. There were approximately 12 of us. There was some people that spoke English but most spoke italian.

The food was awesome, I even had food I would not normally eat but loved it. Prima plate was tuscan beans with little mini clams (vongola). I have never tried these before but wow, fantastic. Second plate was seafood paella it was great. The company was great and it was interesting to see a group of Italians together and to be included. It was a rare honour and we were very grateful for the invite. We spoke some italian and some English and some more italian. We have learnt that an italian who can speak English wants to practice as much as we do.

Well I have more to say but I have run out of time. This was a really special evening for us both and it was a real genuine italian local experience and one we will remember until we get Alzheimer's.

Lorenzo era molto gentile di parti tua.

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Near Florence

Monday, February 20, 2012

Palazzo Vecchio -20february

Today's highlight was a visit to the Palazzo Vecchio. I wont bore you with all of the details apart to say that Leonardo and Michelangelo both worked here. Some beautiful things. This place is huge.

Part of one of the ceilings.

This is a famous painting. Not because of who painted it but what is in the picture. Look in the top right corner and you will see what looks Like a blob in this photo but in the actual painting it looks like a UFO. Now what is even stranger is that the man behind her is looking towards said UFO. Is this real or not. This painting comes from around 1500 -1600. You decide - as William Shatner would say is that weird or what.

Brett looking like he is casing the joint and me below with the getaway car.

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Florence Italy

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Il fine settimana

Hi everyone,
Well it is the end of the weekend and well school starts for the third week. I am not sure where the time is going but it is going quickly.

Friday night saw us going to our first (and maybe last) football game in Italy. Before we went to the football we caught up with some other friends at the cafeteria at the library which has the best views of the duomo (except out of our window).

While Naples was good well the other team not so great. It was a fun night. We went with a few students from class.

Me and Birthe

Naples fans

Waiting for the game to start

Some of the drama for the night. I think this is a flare.

Some of the security they had lined up. All the people in yellow. This was the nay place they had them. They were everywhere like this.

Saturday was a sleep in till 10am and hang around the house until lunch time. I had research and found a restaurant we wanted to try so that is where we headed. Today there was no homework and no where to be. Awesome. Lunch was at this awesome place called Cipolla Rosa and the food was awesome. Several glasses of wine later and some great food under our belts it was off for a stroll through the city.

More streets that we haven't been too. We have found the english cinema but don't want to go. So over the bridge to the other side of the river, more strolling and some great locations for photos and wine. Didn't try the wine. Eventually back home and pasta with some wine for tea.

On our way home from Conad (supermarket) we had our weird experience for the week. Walking past a leather, shoe store we were looking at a jacket and this old man (owner) comes out and looks at Brett says something and we eventually work out he is talking about Brett's shoes. He wanted us to go into his store and get better shoes. He said Brett had bad shoes made in china and well he was right. We checked when we got home but so random and so weird. I mean if I wanted someone to come into my store to look at goods that is not the way I would go about it. Anyway home for pasta and wine and off to bed early. I did get to talk to Fiona in Venice to find out how they are going and what has been happening up there. All is well and we look forward to seeing them.

Sunday not so late out of bed but waiting for our landlord to turn up to attach the washing machine so we can do the washing. He eventually showed up and well it wont be done until tomorrow. So some hand washing had to be done.

Lunch was a bang up job at home and then out for stroll . Had trouble finding the store I wanted and eventually found it but Sundays not the best day.

This picture hopefully will give you a clue as to what it is selling.

I bought this app before I left home on places to eat and drink in Florence and well we try and use it every couple of days. The cafeteria at the library was one of those really good finds. So today we were looking for a place called 'Golden arch open bar' or something similar. Across the Ponte Vecchio and well we found it. It was not what I was expecting at all. We walked in and they have alot of space and it is new and beautiful and it faces onto the river looking back at the city. We walked through three large rooms to get to the bar and we sat down for a drink. This place is nice but for 10 euro a glass it was a bit much. The view was nice as you can see but well the library has a great view and wine for 3 euro a glass.

Back home, Brett starting cooking while I went out and looked a book stores. I love book stores. One of my favouries was closed (such a shame) so back home for wine and well a few english tv shows. I watched a couple of episodes of Psych.

Dinner was ragu with polenta (yummy yummy) and wine of course and now it is time for bed.

I still cant believe we are half way through this holiday. I am not sure how we will return to work after this. I mean how do people go back to work after 3, 6 or 12 months off work. It will be hard but I will have to do it so I can save some money to come back over. We have not finished learning this language.

So good night to you all. Hope you all had a great weekend and talk to you tomorrow night.

Sorry for all you italian lovers no italian version tonight.

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Piazza del Duomo, Florence