Friday, March 30, 2012

where for art thou my sweet juliet

Interesting day. We started off with visit to the local bank in Como to discuss with them how their machine ate our money. We had used the card yesterday but half way through the transaction it cancelled and gave us our card back. However when we check the bank statement that night it said that we had taken the money. So we had to go talk to them.

They were really nice and are looking into the problem at the moment and hopefully it will be resolved shortly.

The trip to Verona was uneventful. The trains are always easy to catch etc so we got here with ease. Even the bus wasnt that hard to get. We did have to ask someone and we found out we were standing at the right bus stop but going the wrong way. So we are just outside the city centre and the hotel seems really nice. The room is good but the internet is not functioning so not sure when you will get this. Probably when we get home.

We went into town just to have a look around. We bought a 2 day tourist card which gives us bus travel and entry into most of the places we want to see. So tomorrow we start being tourists. Will let you know how it goes.


Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter


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