Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cooking 101 - 22 February

I know you were all waiting patiently for yesterdays post but we had our last cooking class and well by the time we get home it was time for a sleep.

So I am sorry to keep you waiting. Let me start by saying (and I am sure I have said this before) if you want to learn a language, go to the country for as long as you can afford. While we are finding it hard it is definitely the best thing we have done.

I am constantly having to pronounce my words again and again to barbara no.2. and everyone laughs or smiles. I know it is for the best but sometimes it is hard.

Now to the favourite part of the week, cooking class. This week we had 9 people which I think and Brett would agree that there were too many people. The menu had been set the week before.

Antipasti - crostini (made with polenta) with porcini mushrooms
Primo - Lasagne
Secondi - rabbit or chicken
Dessert - chocolate tart or custard tart with fruit

Lots of wine and a magic show. He invited one of his friends that does it for a living and it was so much fun. I know this is hard to believe but there was too much food. I felt sick afterwards and most of today I was feeling off (not sick)

Here are the photos from last night.

Birdie preparing the rabbit, cause no one else wanted to work with it.

Look Kylie and Kym, Brett was allowed to use a knife.


Risotto (not on the menu but he made it for us to taste)

Rabbit - this was fantastic. The best food ever. Wish I had a doggie bag as I would have brought some home for today.

No need to explain what this is.

In the cooking class he has a tv camera set up for bigger classes so everyone can see what is happening. Here is a photo of the finished custard dessert.

Again home late and another great day in paridiso (paradise).

Does anyone have the answer to how do we return to a normal life after this.

M e B

Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Firenze, Italy

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