Friday, February 17, 2012

Tickets to the soccer - 16 feb

Well we finally get to see a soccer game (football) here in Italy. Tomorrow night there is a game between Florence and Naples. This should be interesting. We are going with some of the group from school. I think we are going to by coloured tops so we are the right colour. Hope we get it right. I would hate to turn up with the wrong colours.

Tomorrow is the end of our second week in Florence and if I could I would stay longer here. I think six months might do it for now. I have always loved Florence but spending this much time here makes me love it more and want to spend more time here. It takes a lot of time to do nothing. There is so much to see and do and there never seems like enough time. We got to class, come home have lunch then do our homework and then it is time to go out again. Today for example there was an opera presentation. It was in a small place and it was played on a cd with great speakers. It was some great opera with some poetry reading something like that. I normally don't like opera but I think I will have to go more often it was great. Brett and I really like it. We also heard that after that presentation there was a gospel choir (american) singing the church nearby. So we went and omg they were amazing. It was a choir from america. It was like glee but well in Italian.

We couldn't stay long as we had to get home finish homework and have tea etc and by this time it was 7.30. So we stayed for a couple of songs and I wish that I could have stayed longer it was great.

Home for dinner which was eventually at 9.30 (girls you should be so proud of me eating this late).

So at the moment it is 11pm at night and we have been watching the San Remo singing show. Not sure if it is a contest or just a show but it has been funny. THere are so many things the italian men get away with here but never in Australia or say america.

So off to bed ready for the last day of school for the week, a soccer game tomorrow night and perhaps a weekend catching up on tv, homework and well Florence.

Italian version
Buona sera tutti
Domani sera andiamo a calcio match. Il gioco è tra Firenze and Napoli. Forse perché è Napoli è pericolosi. No lo so. Andiamo con 6 persone da classe italiano.

Domani pommerigo ho un altra lezione in italiano. Vorrei capire imperfetto and trapassato prossimo più meglio. Brett non vai.

Stasera siamo andati a presentazioni di Opera. Un picolo presentazioni ma ci piacono molto. Penso che quando ritorno a Brisbane, anderemo provare an altra Opera.

Dopo questo siamo andati a altra luogho per an altra choir. Questo choir era bellissimo. Il choir da gli stati uniti, un gruppo di raggazzi.

Basta, sono stanca e vado a letto.


Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

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