Monday, January 9, 2012

Poo city

Lots of sleep has made me a happy girl today. So was ready to get going. I booked us into a free tour for 3-4 hours today and it takes you all around the sites of Paris. What is it with this city and poo. This is a wonderful place but they really need to get their act together when it comes to poo (animal and human). Now that my rant is out of the way. What a beautiful city. The tour we went on was fantastic. It is free in the sense that you don't pay up front but if you like the tour you give your guide what you think it was worth. While we walked over the bridges, the french police were practicing their rescue skills in the river (impressive) and a bit distracting from the tour. The ponte neuf (new bridge) was very fascinating. Apparently Henry the something of France held this grand party to celebrate his new bridge. It was new because it was the first bridge to be built from stone and some other reason but like i said the police were practicing in the back ground and I come from a generation that gets distracted easy. He also (rumour) had sketches made of all of his guests throughout this large drunken party and then decided if he gave the sketches to the guests they would hide them away so instead he gave them to his sculptors and had heads made of the sketches and made part of the bridge. So they would always be reminded of the party by the heads on the bridge. Also noted that Brisbane police need to get need equipment. Some of the french police use roller blades to get around the city.

This is the view of the river from the bridge below. Beautiful. We walked over the art bridge (it had a lovely sounding french name but can't remember it) and there are all of these padlocks. Young lovers come here to put a padlock and throw the key into the Seine river to symbolise their love. Since we didn't have one with us, a photo of it will have to do.

The tour ended in a cafe where we had a lunch and then we left the group to continue on as some of the gang were with us today and they insisted on having their photo taken.

As we were so close to the Eifel tower we thought that Brett would head to the first floor. I decided I didn't really need to go up (read chicken guts) but I was ok with that, so Brett took the quick option and walked to the first floor. I could hear this really weird noise when he was walking up and found out later it was his knees knocking together.

They have a mini skating ring up there. Even that would not have distracted me from the fact that you can feel it swaying as you walk around. Guess those days of practicing my height issue in Brisbane didn't really pay off. Friday we are booked into another walking tour of an area that has just as good views. Will let you know. I know what a view.

Subway home - omg it was packed, they were squished in like sardines. Had to just push your way in. Got off and well ended up walking down Rue de Denis (brothels, working girls) again. Happy birthday to Kym my sister in law. Sorry we got you out of bed but like I said on face book you should have been up already and made the kids give you presents so you could go back to bed. Love Monique, Brett, Marty, Kiwi and Hooter

Location:Paris, France


  1. OMG that piccie is STUNNING!!!! Beautiful shot of the tower...

    In other news...they've blocked your blog at work...LAME!!!

    Keep up the Paris news feed, absolutely loving it!!!!

  2. Thanks for the wake-up call this morning! :-)
    Did Marty climb the tower with Brett? Bet you wouldn't have heard his knees knocking! Go Marty!!!
